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BOH Minutes Dec 18 2013
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h
M i n u t e s
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Jan Buhrman, Matt Poole

Absent:  Katie Carroll

Also Present:   John Clarke (Island Water Source), George Sourati (Sourati Engineering), Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn), Kate Warner, Caroline Flanders (George Brush Attny), Candy DaRosa (Overtoom RE)

Minutes of December 4, 2013 adopted.

Kaplan, 16 Valley Lane (3-50) and Oberfest, 12 Valley Lane (3-48) George Sourati discussed with the Board his recent discovery of a non-compliant separation between the leaching field on the Kaplan property at 16 Valley Lane, and the abutter’s drinking water well.  The separation required by Chilmark BOH Regulations is 150’, but the separation as surveyed is only 141’.

The Board noted that a public hearing would have been held prior to approval of this septic system application, had the plan shown that a variance was required.  The Board asked the applicant to contact the affected abutter: if the abutter is willing to submit the standard well-to-leach field separation acceptance letter ordinarily required by the Board of Health prior to approving a variance and release of the construction permit, the Board will retroactively approve the proposed plan, provided an accurate plan showing all required separations and any variances thereto is submitted.  If not, the Board will hold a public hearing.  

Clethra LLC, 14 East Lane(32-65) George Sourati outlined plans by Bell, (32-72) to relocate a road to direct proximity to private drinking water well on the property at AP32-65.  The plan as originally proposed would have had the road running immediately alongside the property line, resulting in a ca 9’ separation between the road and the drinking water well. However, restrictions by the Site Review Committee on the removal of a strategically placed tree have resulted in a redrawn road plan which skirts the 25’ buffer around the drinking water well.  George Sourati asked that the Board write a letter to the Planning Board, stating that the Board of Health follows the Private Well Guidelines issued by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection which calls for a minimum separation of 25’ from the “normal driving surface of any roadway.”  The Board asked Marina Lent to write such a letter.

Roush, 39 Spruce Gate Road (35-1.4)   George Sourati presented a plan for 2 houses on a 16+acre property, to be served by one (existing) leaching system approved by the Board in May 2001 as part of a 12 bedroom septic system.  The Certificate of Compliance for the field and one of the tanks was issued in 2003.  The Board noted that it is routine to require the property owner to demonstrate the capacity of the lot to support two fully-compliant systems to serve two dwellings before approving a system shared by two dwellings, but that there is no such plan for two separate systems on file. George Sourati wished to ensure that the Board accepts the plan as approved and partially installed.  The Board asked Marina Lent to write a note to the file with copy to George Sourati.  

Rodman Trust, 124 State Road (33-11) John Clarke presented a well permit application for a proposed plan which does not require variances. The well location will be staked by Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn. Marina Lent noted that the property is of particular cultural interest to the Wampanoag Tribe, and John Clarke stated that he will contact the Tribe to inform them of proposed activity at this property.

Curran, 5 Dirt Road (20-14)  A public hearing date will be set for the January 15th meeting of the Board to review a proposed septic system upgrade for this property by Reid Silva.

Perc Season  The Board delayed opening of the perc season pending further rain events, but will entertain out-of-season requests between sessions for uncomplicated areas in which high groundwater is not a factor.

Septic System Installer 2014 application – The Board approved a 2014 Installer Permit for Danny Rogers Excavating (DRE).

Lauprete, 142 Quenames Road, (17-30) as-built received, Certificate of Compliance issued

Invoices:  The following invoices were approved for payment:
  • MHOA membership $60
  • MVRD SEMASS-MSW  $1,275.35
  • MV Times advertising for Flu Clinic, Chilmark share $186.75
  • VNA November 2013 $704
  • Mosquito Testing Program 2013  $1,114
The meeting adjourned at 18:20 hours.

_______________________              _______________________                       _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair                 Matthew Poole                                       Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                   Chilmark Board of Health                     Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.